Fusion in a nanoshell

A fundamentally new class of fusion technology

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Our company uses shaped ultrafast laser pulses to generate extraordinarily strong electric fields inside metal nanoshells through plasmonic enhancement. These amplified fields directly accelerate atomic nuclei to high velocities, enabling them to overcome the Coulomb barrier and achieve fusion.

Unlike conventional approaches, our technology doesn't rely on creating and maintaining hot plasma or complex confinement systems. The plasmonic fields inside our engineered nanoshells accelerate nuclei to energies equivalent to those found in thermonuclear reactions, but through direct acceleration rather than heating. This allows for compact, industrially integrated laser systems that can drive fusion reactions under controlled conditions.

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Plasmonic Acceleration: A New Path to Fusion

In fusion reactions, the fundamental challenge is overcoming the Coulomb repulsion between positively charged nuclei. Traditional approaches require extreme temperatures to provide enough thermal energy for nuclei to overcome this barrier.

Cortex is investigating how shaped laser pulses can generate powerful plasmonic fields within specially designed nanoshells. These enhanced fields directly accelerate nuclei to fusion-relevant energies without needing to create a hot plasma environment.

By directly accelerating particles rather than heating a plasma, our approach achieves the high collision energies necessary for fusion while eliminating the complexity of plasma confinement systems. This breakthrough fundamentally transforms fusion generator design, dramatically improving cost-effectiveness, simplicity, and scalability.

Our Team

Jake Levitt

President & CTO

Dr. Niranjan Shivaram


Dr. Dmitri Kharzeev


Dr. Artur Izmaylov


Dr. Stylianos Chatzidakis


Dr. Carlos Trallero-Herrero


Dr. Herschel Rabitz

Former Consultant

Dr. Thomas Weinacht

Former Consultant

Kurt Keilhacker

Board Member and Investor

Michael Gibson

Investor and Advisor

Danielle Strachman

Investor and Advisor

Daniel Ramirez

Investor and Advisor

Ben Patterson

Investor and Advisor


Fusion Reactor Using Laser Control of Nanoshell Surface Plasmon Resonance

US 63/748,178

Neutron Source, Thermal Management System, and Electrical Generator Assembly Using Poincaré Engineering of Nuclear Fusion

US 63/682,691

Fusion Reactor Using Bichromatic Optical Control of Quantum Tunneling

US 17/855,476, PCT/US2022/035845,
EP 22927541.7, & JP 2023-581035

Coherent Control Based on Quantum Zeno and Anti-Zeno Effects

US 63/472,657

Chiral Catalysis of Nuclear Fusion in Molecules

US 63/596,122

Infrared-Class Chiral Fusion Reactors

US 63/653,161 & US 63/668,615

Fusion Reactor Using Optical Control of Quantum Tunneling

US 18/935,092 & PCT/US24/54271

Quantum Phase Control of Nuclear Wavepacket Tunneling Incorporating Multiphoton Processes or Relativistic Gain Media

US 18/479,950



Fusion in a nanoshell: Harnessing plasmonic fields for nuclear reactions

Chiral catalysis of nuclear fusion in molecules

Ultrafast laser architectures for quantum control of nuclear fusion


Coherent control based on quantum Zeno and anti-Zeno effects: Role of coherences and timing

Presenting the technology
Symposium with Purdue collaborators
Observing the prototype
Symposium with Purdue collaborators
Cortex Lab at Purdue
Cortex Lab at Purdue
Cortex Lab at Purdue
Cortex Lab at Purdue
Speaking with Dr. Gerald Dunne (left), Professor of Physics
AMO Seminar at UConn
Jacob Levitt with Dr. Carlos Trallero-Herrero (right), Professor of Physics, in his ultrafast optics lab
AMO Seminar at UConn
Jacob Levitt (President and CTO) presenting to the Physics Department
AMO Seminar at UConn
AMO Seminar at UConn

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